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2024 Audition Dates
Strings: Monday August 19 6pm
Winds/Brass: Monday August 26 6pm
Please submit this form to contact us and we will forward your reply to the appropriate personnel manager.
If interested in auditioning, please email JSO by August 1, 2024 so that an audition time can be arranged. Please include a short bio of playing experiences.
For the 2024-2025 season, there are openings for Piccolo/Flute 3, French Horn 3, Tuba and strings. However, we would be pleased to hear your audition, regardless of instrument, as we are always in need of substitute and auxiliary players! Auditions will be held in the evenings.
All auditions will consist of a 3-5 minute portion of a solo work for your instrument which demonstrates your skill level and the excerpts for the instrument you wish to audition on, as listed below.
Audition Materials
All auditions will consist of a 3-5 minute portion of a solo work for your instrument which demonstrates your skill level and the excerpts for the instrument you wish to audition on, as listed below.
If you are not familiar with the audition excerpts indicated, please familiarize yourself with them – you can find all of them on YouTube as complete works for orchestra. If you would like a complete part for your instrument (instead of only the excerpt), many can be downloaded from: IMSLP: Just search for the work by composer, click on “parts,” find your instrument and download the part.
Auditions for the 2024-25 JSO season will be scheduled with the JSO personnel managers and will be approximately 15-20 minutes.
Current string auditions will be held Monday, August 19th beginning at 6:00pm.
Auditions for winds/brass/percussion will be held Monday, August 26th beginning at 6:00pm.
Tchaikovsky V: 2nd mvmt
Rossini: William Tell Overture
Brahms No. 4 (2 excerpts)
Beethoven 5th symphony: mvmt 3
Brahms 2nd Symphony, 1st mvmt
Mozart Symphony 39, 1st mvmt
Mozart Flute Concerto
Debussy L’apres-midi d’un faune (Afternoon of a faun)-Beginning until Reh 3
Prokofiev Peter and the Wolf, Bird
Ivanov, Caucasian Sketches (see side)
Rossini Overture to Semiramade
+ another of own choosing
Clarinet/Bass Clarinet
Beethoven - Symphony #6 Movement 1
Respighi - Pines of Rome Movement 3
Rimsky-Korsakov, Capriccio Espagnol, Excerpts 1 and 2
Bass Clarinet:
Bass Clarinet: Bass Clarinet Excerpts
French Horn
Strauss - Till Eulenspiegel
Dvorak - Symphony #9
Brahms - Symphony #3
Berlioz - Hungarian March
Ravel - Bolero
Rossini - William Tell
Beethoven Symphony #5, 2nd Movement - 4 short excerpts
Berlioz Roman Carnival Overture
Mozart Symphony #5, 1st Movement
Double Bass
Mozart Symphony 35 - 1st Movement
Beethoven 5th Symphony - 3rd Movement
Oboe/English Horn
Beethoven - Symphony #9, Excerpts 1 and 2
Brahms - Violin Concerto, Mvmt 2
Ravel - Tombeau de Couperin
English Horn:
Dvorak - Symphony #9
+ another of own choosing
Rimsky-Korsakov - Scheherazade
Mozart - Symphony #41
Berlioz - Symphonie Fantastique
Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade
Brahms - Symphony #2 - Excerpts 1
Dvorak - Symphony #8 - Excerpts 1 & 3
Gershwin - An American in Paris - Excerpt 1
Choice of 3 of 6 excerpts
Berlioz - Hungarian March
Berlioz - Symphony Fantastique (2 excerpts)
Franck - Symphony in D Minor
Holst - The Planets - Jupiter
Respighi - Fontane di Roma
Tchaikovsky - Symphony #6
Snare Drum: Rimsky Korsakov Scheherazade Mvmt 3, Rehearsal D-E; and Mvmt 4 Rehearsal P-R
Mallets: Mozart Magic Flute Act 1 No. 8 - Finale
Cymbals: Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet Overture Allegro Giusto Rehearsal E to seven before F
Tchaikovsky Symphony #4 Mvmt 1, 4 meas. before [T] to [U]
Elgar Enigma Variations Var. VII (Troyte.), Beg. to [28]

JSO members Lan Vo (violin), Julianna Desiato (viola) and Chandrika Prem (cello) perform at the SCFD Showcase at Denver Botanic Gardens on July 8, 2018.
Jefferson Symphony Orchestra